Friday, September 28, 2012


The Question That Changed My Life - Oh, my God! (I rarely say that, but I couldn't help it after reading this.) "What would you be willing to attempt for God if you knew you could not fail?" Ok, I'm not posting my answer to this here. Partly because it's scary, and because I don't really know what I'm thinking right now. "You’ve got to beg him for revelation on this . . . and when he gives you the Word, you’ve got to act. God doesn’t reveal himself to us so that we can just 'consider' it, but rather, so that we will be consumed by it and obey his voice!" Read the whole post. It isn't tl;dr.

From an interview with Vaughan Roberts -  "It’s important to recognise that very often God’s power is seen, not by him removing our temptations and difficult circumstances, but by giving us the strength to persevere and live for him in the midst of them. Understanding this profound principle of God’s power being seen in weakness will transform our attitude towards all our battles as believers."

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Update on the King's Cross church plant

So we're heading into our second pre-launch service this Sunday at LFCC. On October 7th, the King's Cross launch team will be commissioned by the LFCC congregation. And then on October 14th, we'll be officially launching at Public School 20 in Flushing at 11am!! So soon!

This week, our Community Groups have begun or will begin the first study in Gospel-Centered Life. We're excited for this study. Looks like it'll be challenging and encouraging. According to the other 2 CGs that already started, they got some new visitors and a few new non-believers. Please pray for them and that the CGs would be a place to encounter God and the gospel.

Other things we need prayer for:
  • Financial giving - We are still a long way from financial stability and every act of sacrificial giving will help the church focus on the work of ministry and also to be generous to others within the church and outside the church.
  • As we grow, we are going to have to prepare for the integration of newcomers and possibly multiplying into more CGs (which would mean new hosts/locations and new leaders).
  • That God would bless this work for His glory.


Raucus Joy! - Woooohoo! It is better to celebrate and enjoy with others the great things that life has to offer. No holding back! "Paul, in another letter to another young Christian (Titus) reminds us that the way we live life is to make attractive the teaching about God our Savior. We adorn doctrine by our joyous celebration of life."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Just sharing some things I've read today

Community is formed and sustained by the Gospel - Several weeks ago, we discussed our hopes and visions for this season's CGs. My hope is that our CGs would be a place where we could hear and learn from God's Word, and from there be driven to go out and do things in love and pray a lot as a CG in the local community. "What forms and sustains Christian community is, perhaps paradoxically, not a commitment to community per se but a commitment to the gospel Word... An exclusive focus on community will kill community. It is only the Word of God that creates an enduring community life and love."

Desiring God 2012 National Conference - Got nothing to do this weekend? Watch the live-stream of each of the main sessions! When you follow the link, the "Upcoming" section on the right lists the schedule. I'll be busy with a wedding and other things, but I'm hoping to catch one of these.

Just stopping by.

Hello again. It's been over a year. Just stopping by.

I recently transitioned from Intern to Contractor status at my company. And with that came a nice big salary bump, more commensurate with my level of education and experience. This has brought my wife and I some more freedom in terms of buying things; especially things that I've been eyeing for awhile like the new Kindle and a more grown-up looking wardrobe...haha. But combined with purchasing our first home, I see very clearly how easy it can be to spend so much so quickly. We feel guilty sometimes that we are able to have so much. So I really hope (I guess I should also be deliberate in making sure) that these things will somehow be beneficial to the care of my family, the credibility of my testimony of God's joy in my life, and to the community of believers and non-believers in our lives.

We've been blessed. So we want to be a blessing to others. Which means...when our apartment is ready, people should come and visit and hangout with us! =)