Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Birthdays! - Maybe the older we get and the "more married" we become, the less SHABANG! we expect on our birthdays. Unfortunately for Jovi, she was feeling a bit under the weather, but at least she didn't have work, spent time with a couple close friends doing errands during the day, and had a family dinner celebration (yo, this family I married into loves their all-you-can-eat-sushi. We checked out a new one called Era.) And the rest of the night, she and I spent together just chilling in our PJs. I hope she can say she had at least a good birthday. I enjoyed it..haha. I love this girl- my wife. =)

Kindle Paperwhite - My first kindle is expected to arrive this Thursday! I'm really excited to have a lot of the books that I've been meaning to read so conveniently with me on my daily commutes. However, I am sad that I can't trade or lend good books to friends (Kindle does allow lending of your ebooks but to a very limited extent). I might have to buy both physical and ebook versions of really good books.. Also, I don't understand this trend of ebooks being more expensive than their paperback counterparts. It doesn't make any sense!! Ugh...

Fostering Friendships (from Boundless) - Starting new friendships really is more difficult post-college. Well, college was 4 years of intensely packed shared experiences of joys and trials with a whole lot of people around your age and just as clueless (more or less) as you are in life. But some say it isn't impossible post-college. "It takes time... It takes effort... and it takes prayer."

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